Website nightmare

Last Thursday I was helping a local business owner through a website nightmare!

A website nightmare that a Merkley Marketing Group website client would NEVER experience!

Last year a local business owner had a new website developed for her business.

The website nightmare:

  • Website developer unexpectedly died recently.

  • The Website developer’s wife doesn’t know anything about his business or client’s website.

  • Website goes down November 9th, 2017. Apparently the website hosting fee had not been paid so hosting company shut the website down.

  • Consequently, the website hosting company (Blue Host) will not give her any information, therefore she CANNOT access site.

  • Client’s domain name is registered with Godaddy.

    Especially relevant, is that the ownership and control of her business domain name is under control of the person that developed her first website, so she has no control over her business domain name through.

    Therefore, the current domain administrator must transfer “her” domain to her account.

    In conclusion, make sure you have control over your domain name(s).

We protect you!

  • Our clients receive: Website backup and access information so they always have control over their website.

  • If something happens to me (Joe Merkley), we have you covered.

  • Clients have full control over their domain names. We NEVER register a client’s domain in our account. 

  • You own “your” website and should have complete control over it, most of all, we DO NOT hold clients hostage.

We Give You Control Over Your Website!


Upon completion of a Merkley Marketing Group client’s website we provide our client with the following important information which allows them full control over “their” website:

  • Complete website backup included ALL relevant WordPress files and images
  • WordPress website full administrative access: WordPress Admin url, Username and Password
  • Extensive new website marketing suggestions which include, online and offline marketing
  • A sample press release so you can professional announce the launch of your website
  • A tasklist of all website development items including website search engine submission and Google Analytics setup that we completed